Based on an AUDI A3 SPTBK 40 TFSIE S LN S-T T PK
Contract term: | 48 months |
Initial rental: | £3,404.70 |
47 monthly payments: | £378.30 |
Annual mileage: | 8,000 |
Total contractual mileage: | 32,000 |
Personal Contract Hire (PCH) Offer (t&c's apply)
From £378.30 per month
48 months
£3,404.70 initial rental
8,000 miles per year
Based on an AUDI A3 SPTBK 40 TFSIE S LN S-T T PK
Contract term: | 48 months |
Initial rental: | £3,404.70 |
47 monthly payments: | £378.30 |
Annual mileage: | 8,000 |
Total contractual mileage: | 32,000 |
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