Based on a Range Rover Sport 25MY P460e Dynamic SE, non-maintained, 6+47 payments inc. VAT:
Retailer contribution: | 2.5% |
Initial deposit: | £6,390 |
Monthly rental: | £1,065 |
Miles per year: | 10,000 |
Personal Contract Hire (PCH) Offer (t&c's apply)
£1,065 monthly rental
£6,390 initial deposit
2.5% retailer contribution
10,000 miles per year
Based on a Range Rover Sport 25MY P460e Dynamic SE, non-maintained, 6+47 payments inc. VAT:
Retailer contribution: | 2.5% |
Initial deposit: | £6,390 |
Monthly rental: | £1,065 |
Miles per year: | 10,000 |
Indulge in a brand-new Land Rover, or a pre-owned model – enjoying a perfect combination of luxury and value for money. Our selection of Land Rover offers includes finance packages, which are designed to spread the cost of your purchase over a time – and they are tailored to meet your individual needs.
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